Keep Wikipedia Free: Support the Wikimedia Foundation

Keep Wikipedia Free: Support the Wikimedia Foundation

WikipediaMany of us have a hard time valuing digital content the same way we did physical content. We might have spent hundreds of dollars on an Encyclopedia Britannica back in the days before the internet, but have a hard time paying for things that come so easily over the net without a price tag.  But digital products aren't free to produce, and organizations like Wikipedia have enormous expenses, even though their content is essentially provided by volunteers.  Wikipedia could be a for-profit company, like Google, and pay for its services through advertising and commerce.  But it's not.  Its founder, Jimmy Wales likens it to a library or a public park, a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others.  If Wikipedia were a fee-based service, what do you think would be a fair annual subscription rate? Got a number in your head? Well, pull out your credit card and donate itWikipedia depends on donations from people like you and me to keep the lights on, and the information flowing. 

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