The Best Self-Tanner for Your Face: Jergens Natural Glow Healthy Complexion Daily Facial Moisturizer

The Best Self-Tanner for Your Face: Jergens Natural Glow Healthy Complexion Daily Facial Moisturizer

Jergens Natural Glow I ran my first Skincare 201 consumer clinic and sampling bar yesterday (I often lecture on skin care to Avon Representatives, but this was the first time I brought my presentation to friends and customers). My skincare focus for winter is always about keeping my skin
well-hydrated in cold climates, and protected from sunlight, and I love sharing the benefits of Anew skincare with people interested in effective, affordable anti-aging skincare.  But I got a product request for a facial Self-Tanner, and didn't have a product recommendation.  Now I do.  Jergens Natural Glow Healthy Complexion Daily Facial Moisturizer gets high marks for efficacy, low odor, and skin-caring broad-spectrum SPF 20 protection. Buy it on sale at for $6.37, also available in Fair to Medium.

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