The Best Arthritis Treatment for Dogs: Joint MAX Triple Stregnth – Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM

The Best Arthritis Treatment for Dogs: Joint MAX Triple Stregnth – Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM

JointMax My step-dog U.B. was already arthritic when I met him at age 11, and taking enteric-DueyJump coated aspirin.  By 13, our Vet put him on Rimadyl, which helped a little. Then someone told me about using Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM.  I ordered the bulk powders from an equestrian supply warehouse, and started sprinkling them on his food.  The difference was remarkable:  From a dog who struggled a bit to stand up, to a dog who regained a spring in his step.  Last summer, my dog Duey started to slow down. He no longer liked running all for miles on the beach, and seemed stiff in his joints.  I started him on Joint MAX Triple Strength – a pre-mixed, high-potency combination of these three joint-lubricating supplements.  Today, a year older (10 1/2), he's back to long runs on the beach, and no apparent stiffness.  By all means, speak to your Vet if your dog shows signs of arthritis.  But before you get your dog stuck on a prescription anti-inflamatory, try Joint MAX.  Save an extra $3 when you buy online at

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