The Best Way to Remove Odors from Clothes: WIN High Performance Sport Detergent

The Best Way to Remove Odors from Clothes: WIN High Performance Sport Detergent

WIN detergent If you exercise daily but do laundry less frequently, you've experienced the problem:  Sweaty workout clothes that putrefy in the laundry basket, and don't smell clean coming out of the washer.  The solution: WIN High Performance Sport Detergent.  Used at all Olympic Training Centers, WIN is scientifically formulated to inhibit growth of odor causing bacteria while outperforming traditional detergents in removing embedded sweat and odors from workout clothes. It's more effective than adding an oxygen bleach like OxyClean to your laundry, and even more so if you soak your particularly noxious clothes with it before washing. Find WIN at a retailer near you, or buy a 16-load bottle of WIN for $8.49 at or in a 4-pack from

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