A Cure for What Ails You: Rite-Aid Single Check Rebates
I’ve written previously about Rite-Aid Single Check Rebates, but this week’s offer is so great, and the economy is so shaky, that it’s time to repeat it. This week, Rite-Aid is offering over $144 in FREE products to help you and your family survive cold and flu season: Excedrin, Children’s Advil, cold sore treatments, cough drops, saline nasal rinses, homeopathic remedies and lip balms. (*Free, but ales tax is not included in the rebate, so you will still be on the hook for a small percentage of your free products.)
Unlike most rebate programs, where the proof-of-purchase and mailing
requirements are onerous enough to keep a large percentage of people
from ever claiming them, Rite-Aid’s rebates are truly consumer-friendly,
and super easy to caim. Three easy steps. 1. You buy the products. 2. You enter your receipt information online at RiteAid.com. 3. You request your rebate check. A few weeks after the rebate period ends, the check arrives in the mail. It’s a perfect opportunity to fill your medicine cabinet in advance of the cold and flu season this year. These offers are only valid this week, but every week at Rite-Aid has a new set of free* products — usually one or two, not a whole big bag full, like this week. (Many of us shop Rite-Aid first thing Sunday morning — many items sell out quickly. But most store restock on Thursday morning, so check back then for free-after-rebate products that aren’t on the shelf mid-week.)
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