The Best Way to Remove Ticks: Ticked Off

The Best Way to Remove Ticks: Ticked Off

If you’ve come to this page from a Google™ search, you won’t have time to order one of these, though you might be able to run out and buy one at a local retailer.  If not, use a tweezer a grab the tick as close to its mouth parts (and the skin) as possible.  Pull slowly, gently and steadily, being careful not to squeeze the body of the tick.  When you’re done, disinfect the skin, wash your hands, flush the tick down the toilet, and then order one of these:  Ticked Off is a little spoon with a small v-shaped opening that makes it easy to grab  ticks and pull them off pets or humans.  Simple and ingenious, it works brilliantly.  With the increasing incidence of tick-borne diseases, anyone with a dog, or who spends any time in the woods or other tick-infested areas should have one of these. 

It’s$2.99 at

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