The Best Compact Florescent Bulbs: N:Vision

The Best Compact Florescent Bulbs: N:Vision

I still have the first compact florescent bulbs I ever bought.  They weren’t really compact, in fact, despite their standard light bulb base, they were too big to fit into most lamps.  And they took a a few moments to light up, and the color was awful.  But they were so expensive at the time, I can’t bring myself to throw them out.  Fast-forward 15 years, and it’s a new bulb game.  The N:Vision compact florescent bulb I bought at Home Depot a few months ago fits in my lamps and provides light as pleasing, warm and color-correct as a regular incandescent.  No surprise N:Vision came out tops in this month’s Popular Mechanics ratings.  Replacing incandescent bulbs with Compact Florescent bulbs is an easy way to start shrinking your carbon footprint.

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  1. 1

    excellent suggestion. finally tracked down the buggers (had to shlep to Home Depot in person to get them), but they do work very nicely. Having had bad experience with other compact flourscents, I was about to give up on the category for a few more years, but now I don’t have to!

    Pleased in Park Slope

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