The Best Automotve GPS Systems: Magellan/Hertz Neverlost

The Best Automotve GPS Systems: Magellan/Hertz Neverlost

The final recommendation for Road Warrior "Week" 2007 is from my friend Juan, who has been bugging me for months to recommend Hertz Neverlost.  Juan travels a lot for business, has used "all of the navigation systems" (he’s a little prone to exaggeration), and swears that Neverlost is the best.  Given his frequent resemblance to an idiot-savant, he’s probably a perfect judge of the technology.  (He could rattle off ten different considered reasons why he likes Neverlost, but probably couldn’t tell you where his keys are right now.)  Although you can’t buy Neverlost, the technology is provided by Magellan, whose Roadmate GPS products are available at

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