The Best Free Cell Phone Offers
Although common sense would have you pay less when you buy direct, there are some instances when resellers or middlemen add value and lower cost. Cell phones are a prime example. You’ll pay more by going direct to the carriers than through some authorized agents, who by rebating part of their sales commission offer better deals. So if you’re ready to change carriers and phones, go ahead and check out phones and plans at the Verizon, T-mobile, Cingular or Sprint stores. But when you’ve made up your mind, click on over to Wirefly Wireless. You’ll get the same plans, but a much better deal on the phone. Many of the hot new phone models (like the Moto Razr) end up being free, and Wirefly will actually pay you cash to sign up for a plan with a slightly older model. Two small warnings: 1. These extraordinary offers are only valid on new accounts, and not on new phones with your current carrier. (Wirefly, like many resellers, makes it easy to keep your current number and switch to a new carrier.) 2. The savings are accomplished with rebates, which have very specific and slightly complicated documentation and account retention requirements. You’ll have to pay upfront then wait for the rebates. Be very careful to follow the instructions precisely, keep a copy of your documentation, and be prepared to follow up on the rebate to ensure payment.
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