Reese Witherspoon’s Women’s Empowerment Bracelet and Necklace

Reese Witherspoon’s Women’s Empowerment Bracelet and Necklace

Empowerment Bracelet I attended Avon's annual Shareholder's meeting this morning. Representatives are really at the heart of everything Avon does, and my sister and I (the only representatives present) were singled out for recognition at the beginning of the meeting, right after the board of directors.  Avon's commitment to the front-line sales force that is responsible for its success is one of the reasons I'm so proud to be associated with Avon.  Another is the company's deeply ingrained commitment to corporate responsibility.  Most big companies discovered corporate responsibility in the '80s or '90s, but not the 1880s!  Avon's founder David McConnell laid it out in 1886, charging the company "To meet fully the obligations of corporate citizenship by contributing to the well-being of society and the environment in which it Empowerment Necklace functions."  Avon and the Avon Foundation meet this obligation in many ways, none more powerful than our support of the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.  Representatives all over world sell this bracelet ($3) and necklace ($5) to fund a $1 million dollar grant to the trust fund, and to support UNIFEM
projects in 13 countries. In addition, more than 30 Avon countries
around the world launched partnerships with local domestic violence
agencies during 2008, and Avon global grant-making for the cause
exceeded $7.4 million. (The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade has raised and granted more than $585 million in 50 countries world wide to support treatment access, education, screening, detection and research.) 

The Women's Empowerment Bracelet (I use it as a wallet band around my credit cards and cash!) is $3 — and 100% of the net proceeds ($2.25) are donated to the Avon Empowerment Fund to end violence against women.  Use coupon code "FIRSTREP" for free shipping when you order it from my Avon website.

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