Bondage and Barbara Streisand

Bondage and Barbara Streisand


One of the most interesting aspects of online shopping is the ability to see what other people are buying, and the shopping suggestions divined from your shopping and browsing history.  Given how many things I look at daily on, their personalized suggestions for me run a pretty wide gamut.  One of today’s suggestions, nestled between a  Pyrex measuring cup and Giuliano Hazan’s Every Night Italian was Male Bondage: Art Deserves a Witness
I’m used to that kind of juxtaposition, but what really surprised me this time, was that 9% of the people who view items like Male Bondage ultimately buy Streisand: Live in Concert. I’m not sure what the psychographic connection is between bondage and Barbra, but you’ve got to hand it to Amazon for shedding light on the phenomenon.Bondage_4


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